
科目名[英文名] 海外語学研修(エジンバラ大学法律英語研修)[Overseas Language Program] 
科目ナンバー LAW3007B  科目ナンバリングとは
時間割番号 32229.001  科目区分 ----- 
講義形態 海外異文化体験学習  開講学域等 人間社会学域 
適正人数 -----  開講学期 Q1,Q2 
曜日・時限 集中  単位数 1単位 
授業形態 対面のみ  60単位上限 対象外 
対象学生 ----- 
キーワード Legal English, Common Law, International lawyer  
講義室情報 (short travel abroad program) 
開放科目 ----- 
備考 EMI科目(英語で行われる授業科目) 

This is a three-week English for Legal Studies course. The students will work on a range of activities designed to develop their language skills in the context of legal English, broaden their understanding of their subject area, and extending their vocabulary and ability to discuss these subjects. In addition to legal English sessions, students will develop their academic seminar skills, spoken communication skills, and pronunciation.
to develop reading, listening, discussion and writing skills in legal subjects
to develop legal English vocabulary in a wide range of legal topics and to improve vocabulary-learning strategies
to develop research skills, and formal academic presentation skills through a research project
to develop overall proficiency and confidence in communicating in English
to raise awareness of English pronunciation and to provide practice and feedback opportunities
to enhance understanding of UK/Scottish legal system through classroom tasks, out-of-class experiences and research
to encourage autonomy in learning
Legal English
The following is an outline of content of the legal English component of the course:

The UK Legal Profession
1. The different types of legal professional and their functions in the UK (English/Scottish systems)
2. Comparison with Japanese legal profession

The UK Legal System
1. Court System in the UK (English/Scottish systems)
2. Common (Case) Law system (contrasting with Civil Law i.e. Roman Law-based system)
3. Scottish Politics
4. Tour of the Scottish Parliament

Criminal Law
1. Criminal procedure
2. Landmark criminal cases (significant crimes that have impacted on the law e.g. Woolmington case)
3. Mini seminar-style discussions of situations that may give rise to criminal liability

Court Visit & Scottish Parliament Tour
1. Preparation for visit
2. Visit to see a criminal case in the Scottish courts
3. Tour of the Scottish Parliament

Poster Preparation & Presentation
1. Participants choose a case to research and present (important landmark case, case of particular interest)
2. Poster preparation (incl. online research)
3. Poster carousel Q & A.

Civil Law
1. Civil procedure
3. Landmark civil cases (significant cases that have impacted on the law e.g. the Paisley Snail)
4. Mini seminar-style discussions of situations that may give rise to civil liability

Review of Legal English
Vocabulary and legal concepts quiz
Academic Research Projects

Students will normally work in pairs to carry out an academic research project on an appropriate topic. Planning for these projects begins in Japan, with students selecting topics related to their subject area, under the guidance of their tutors at their University. The research projects will involve background research, questionnaire design, and interviews (minimum of 15) with Edinburgh university students or members of the public. Teachers will guide the students throughout the process, advising on suitable sources of information and research subjects. Mentors will help with ideas and advice on data collection and delivery of the results. The research projects will be presented in the final week of the course, following input and practice on presentation language and skills in a formal academic setting.

Pre-Course preparation
Before arrival in Edinburgh, will receive some pre-course tasks to complete. The purpose of this is to help students prepare for the course content through listening, reading and vocabulary tasks. These will be checked and discussed once in Edinburgh.

Normally this intensive course will be held during mid February to early March, but please note that the schedule could be changed for some reason. And the information session will be held in late June in a Kanazawa University classroom.
The final grade will be Psss (100-60) or Fail (59-0).
Your overall grade in the class will be decided based on the following:
-speaking and listening skills (25%)
-linguistic ability (25%)
-presentation (25%)
-progress (25%)

The students will be expected to prepare for presentations in the class.
The students need to review the vocabulary they learn and useful usage every day.
Every Wednesday (except semester vacations) between 12:00-13:00 at room 772 in the second building of the Humanity and Social Sciences. Consultation via E-mail (eastriv@staff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp) is also available.
