
科目名[英文名] Comparing Crime and Delinquency Across Cultures[Comparing Crime and Delinquency Across Cultures] 
担当教員[ローマ字表記] 小林 恵美子[KOBAYASHI, Emiko] 
科目ナンバー -----  科目ナンバリングとは
時間割番号 10053  科目区分 ----- 
講義形態 -----  開講学域等 人間社会学域 
適正人数 50人  開講学期 Q4 
曜日・時限 水3  単位数 1単位 
授業形態   60単位上限  
対象学生 ----- 
キーワード crime and delinquency, cross-cultural comparison, comparative criminology, sociological theories of crime and delinquency, strain theory, differential association/social learning theory, social bonding theory, self-control theory, individualism-collectivism, and uncertainty avoidance 
講義室情報 総合教育2号館 B10示範教室(対面のみ) 
開放科目 ----- 
備考 EMI科目(英語で行われる授業科目) 

To understand why people in some cultures commit more crime and delinquency than those from other cultures.
The objectives of this course are for students to: (a) understand sociological theories of the causes of criminal behavior; and (b) explain why people in some cultures commit more crime and delinquency than those in other cultures by applying two dimensions of cultural variability (individualism-collectivism and uncertainty avoidance) and the sociological theories of the causes of criminal behavior.
By the end of this course, students will have:

1. Understood sociological theories of the causes of criminal behavior and explained why some people commit more crime and delinquency than other people.
2. Understood dimensions of cultural variability that lead to different crime and delinquency rates across cultures.
3. Been able to analyze why people in some cultures commit more crime and delinquency than those in other cultures by applying the sociological theories of the causes of criminal behavior and the dimensions of cultural variability.
4. Been able to elaborate their opinions on the different crime and delinquency rates across countries.
Classroom Format:
This is primarily a lecture course, although there will be a variety of classroom activities. Throughout the quarter, students are required to: (a) read the assignments on schedule, (b) come to class and add details to the lecture notes; (c) participate actively in all classroom tasks to prepare for presentation of the group project; and (d) work on Test Bank questions.

Lesson Plans:
The detailed lesson plan for each week is as follows:

Week #
1. Course Introduction and Overview; The Concept of Crime; Cross-National Comparison of Criminal Behavior; Dimensions of Cultural Variability (Individualism-Collectivism and Uncertainty Avoidance)
2. Explanations of Criminal Behavior, Part 1: Strain Theories
3. Explanations of Criminal Behavior, Part 2: Subcultural Theories
4. Explanations of Criminal Behavior, Part 3: Social Bonding Theory
5. Explanations of Criminal Behavior, Part 4: Self-Control Theory
6. Supplemental Lectures on Theories + Preparation for Presentation of Group Project
7. Presentation of Group Project or Poster Session
8. Wrap-up and Final Exam

*The lesson plans above are subject to change.
*We will hold group discussions in each session.
*Students are expected to work outside of class for the group project.
*The final exam consists of 50 questions in English that are some combination of multiple-choice and true-false.
Grade will be decided holistically as below, based on the following terms/rates.
「S(Academic achievement 90%~100%)」,「A(80% or more, less than90%)」,
「B(70% or more, less than80%)」, and「C(60% or more, less than70%)」 are indicators of passing,
「不可(less than 60%)」is an indicator of failure.(Standard rating method)
・Final Exam: 100 points
・Pop Quizzes: 40 points (i.e., your best 10 pop quiz scores)
・Group Presentation: 40 points

*The final exam consists of 50 questions in English that are some combination of multiple-choice and true-false.

With a final exam worth 100 points, a maximum possible pop quiz score (i.e., your best 10) of 40, and a group project totaling 40, there are 180 points to be earned in the course. Your course grade will be computed as follows:

S 90-100% (162-180 points)
A 80-89% (144-161 points)
B 70-79% (126-143 points)
C 60-69% (108-125 points)
F less than 60% (less than 108 points)
S 90-100%A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%
Final Exam: 100 points    
Pop Quizzes: 40 points    
Group Project: 40 points    
With 180 considered to be the maximum possible number of points, grades will be determined as follows:162-180 points144-161 points126-143 points108-125 points
Outside Classwork:
Students should anticipate a minimum of 90 minutes of outside classwork per week. The outside classwork will include (but is not limited to): (a) reading assignments on schedule; (b) answering pop quizzes; (c) revising the details of the lecture notes; (d) working on Test Bank questions; and (e) working with your group members outside of class for group presentation.
Outside Classwork:
Students should anticipate a minimum of 90 minutes of outside classwork per week. The outside classwork will include (but is not limited to): (a) reading assignments on schedule; (b) answering pop quizzes; (c) revising the details of the lecture notes; (d) working on Test Bank questions; and (e) working with your group members to prepare for the group presentation.
Required Materials:

1. Emiko Kobayashi. 2021. Comparing Crime and Delinquency Across Cultures 1: Detailed Syllabus, Reading Assignments, Exam Information, Lecture Notes, and Reading Materials. Will be distributed in class. (You will need your OWN copy.)

2. Emiko Kobayashi. 2021. Comparing Crime and Delinquency Across Cultures 2: Test Bank and Pop Quizzes. Will be made available on LMS of the Acanthus Portal. (You will need your OWN copy.)

*You will be required to put both types of material in a file and bring it to class every week.
*Required material 1 will be used in class on a regular basis, so have it with you when you come to class. For any class to which you do not bring the required material (starting from week 2), you will be considered absent and marked as such.

Reference Books:

Copies of chapters from the books below will be provided. No need to purchase the books.
To be announced on the first day.
1. It is desirable, but not obligatory, that you have earned credits for GS Intercultural Communication or that you are currently taking the course.

2. You are NOT allowed to enroll in both this English course and「犯罪と非行の文化的な違い」(日本語クラス).
50 students

1.Coming to class without the required material 1 will be considered as an absence (starting from week 2). This rule is also applicable to students who borrow the material of other students and bring it to class as their own.
2. Coming to class more than 15 minutes late will be considered as an absence.
3. Leaving the class while it is in progress will be considered as an absence.
4. Under no condition will you be permitted to turn in a quiz late or early.
5. Zero points will be given for presenting a group project when coming to class more than 15 minutes late.
The Japanese course title is as follows: 「犯罪と非行の文化的な違い」. English is the language of this course. International students are welcome! The course will be cancelled if there are less than 10 registered students as of the week 1 class. In case of cancellation, please consider taking an alternative course.

留学生歓迎!教室では"English Only Rule"を心がけてください。英語を使い続けるのはストレスであり、母国語に頼ってしまいがちですが、情報のインプットとアウトプット、そして、考えることを、できるだけ英語で行うように心がけましょう。


