Basic programming techniques necessary to implement programs dealing with numerical computations for solving partial differential equations such as heat and wave equations.
The goal of this class is to gain a solid programming foundation that perform numerical computations and analyze data. It should allow you to continue studying more advanced programming techniques required for research work in numerical analysis. The hope is that you will be able to implement various algorithms in numerical mathematics.
The programming techniques we will learn are general and apply to many programming languages, but in this course we will be using Fortran.
After successfully passing both parts 1a and 1b, you will
- become familiar with the basic ways to calculate differential equations.
- learn how to implement basic algorithms loop and branch, etc.;
- know how to write and read programs in Fortran and how to debug them.
Tentative schedule
1. Programming and numerical computation
2. Loop control
3. Basics in ordinary differential equations(ODEs) by Euler method
4. ODE system in first order
5. Second order ODE (1) Monkey Hunting
6. Second order ODE (2) RLC-circuit
7. Newton’s Method and cubic equation
8. Subroutines and structured programming, final report
1. Heat equation (1) introduction to the heat equation
2. Heat equation (2) explicit method and instability
3. Heat equation (3) various boundary conditions
4. Wave equation (1) introduction to the wave equation
5. Wave equation (2) initial and boundary value problem
6. Wave equation (3) various boundary conditions
7. Energy conservation law for the wave equation
8. Extra topics, final report
Grade will be decided holistically as below, based on the following terms/rates.
「S(Academic achievement 90%~100%)」,「A(80% or more, less than90%)」,
「B(70% or more, less than80%)」, and「C(60% or more, less than70%)」 are indicators of passing,
「不可(less than 60%)」is an indicator of failure.(Standard rating method)
Attendance to at least two-thirds of classes is required. This may be determined by a login log if lectures are given online/on-demand.
- 100% Reports
Preparation for each lecture (if any) will be discussed during the previous lecture. It is expected that students review the content of the previous lectures and can apply it during practical exercises that are part of each lecture.
The students are expected to solve the exercises given in each lecture. On average, students should expect to need around 3 hours/week of self-study.
Reference texts will be discussed during lectures.
There is no fixed office hour. Please contact me or one of the TAs via Acanthus portal for simple questions or to arrange a meeting.
The students are expected to have passed 計算科学[Computational Science] course.
The series of 4 courses 数値解析序論[Introduction to Numerical Analysis] 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b is designed to prepare the students to successfully participate in later applied mathematics courses that require implementation of numerical algorithms on a computer, as well as their work on a research project.