
科目名[英文名] 人間工学A[Ergonomics A] 
担当教員[ローマ字表記] 小松﨑 俊彦[KOMATSUZAKI, Toshihiko], 内藤 尚[NAITO, Hisashi], 茅原 崇德[CHIHARA, Takanori] 
科目ナンバー EMED3101A  科目ナンバリングとは
時間割番号 33135  科目区分 ----- 
講義形態 -----  開講学域等 理工学域 
適正人数 -----  開講学期 Q3 
曜日・時限 月3  単位数 1単位 
授業形態   60単位上限  
対象学生 ----- 
キーワード Human, Sensorial property, Movement characteristics, Human-machine interfaces, Human error, Welfare equipment, Universal design, Homeworks, Comment sheets, Exercises 
講義室情報 自然科学本館(総合研究棟Ⅳ) 101講義室 
開放科目 ----- 
備考 ----- 

The aim of ergonomics is to improve hardware and environment in the daily life of humans and workers, so that they fit the body function and sensorial property of humans. With our technologically sophisticated, graying, and human-respectful society in the background, the ties between humans and machines have become more and more strong. In this lecture, students will learn ways and means to design and improve hardware and environments so that they can be accepted by humans.
The objective of this lecture is to let students acquire the knowledge of designing user-friendly, comfortable, tireless, and safe hardware and work environments through exploratory survey, thinking and discussions on relationship between humans and their environments.
1. To acquire fundamental knowledge of biological constitution and function of human body
2. To gain insight into the modification of the hardware, environment and task management in view of human properties
3. To suggest any idea for the improvement of hardware and surrounding environment from the ergonomic point of view
-Week 1: Introduction; Course overview, Definition and history of Ergonomics
-Week 2: Ergonomic approaches; Measurements of physical and sensorial properties of humans
-Week 3-4: Property of human body; Physiological, morphological, functional, and sensorial properties of humans, and their compatibility with interface devices
-Week 5-7: Design of the human-machine interface; Consideration of the compatibility with human characteristics, layouts
-Week 8: Final exam.

★Homeworks will be assigned as necessary.
★Comment sheet will be distributed at each lecture. Please fill in and submit any comment or question.
- Scores in assignments and final exams are considered for the final evaluation.
- Grading Scale: S: 90-100% ; A: 80-89 ; B: 70-79 ; C: 60-69 ; D: Below 60
Attendance to at least two-thirds of classes is required.
Assignments: 50%, Final examination: 50%.
Over 60% assignment submissions are required for the final evaluation. Absence to exams without notice will not be qualified.
- Printed lecture outline will be distributed as necessary.
- Tuesdays 16:30-18:00. In case the scheduled office hours are inconvenient for you, please make an appointment.
- Questions are also accepted by email(toshi@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp, hisashi-naito@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp).
- Try to keep yourself interested in your daily problems that are reported in TV programs and newspapers, and to suggest the design improvements from an ergonomic point of view.
Human Body Science, Introduction to Biomedical Measurements and Instrumentation, Introduction to Human Support Systems for Welfare Engineering, Industrial Design.
