
科目名[英文名] 数値解析及びプログラミング演習A[Numerical Analysis and Programming Exercise A] 
担当教員[ローマ字表記] 小松﨑 俊彦[KOMATSUZAKI, Toshihiko] 
科目ナンバー INFO2612A  科目ナンバリングとは
時間割番号 33083  科目区分 ----- 
講義形態 -----  開講学域等 理工学域 
適正人数 -----  開講学期 Q1 
曜日・時限 金3  単位数 1単位 
授業形態   60単位上限  
対象学生 ----- 
キーワード Numerical analysis, Numerical solutions, Computer programming, Homeworks, Programming exercises 
講義室情報 自然科学本館(総合研究棟Ⅴ) 105講義室 
開放科目 ----- 
備考 ----- 

In engineering, numerical methods are commonly used for solving equations approximately in order to predict / understand the behavior of systems. Numerical analysis is a method where the governing equations are obtained by using computers. This course offers lectures on various types of numerical analysis algorithms based on fundamental knowledge of mathematics such as the linear algebra and the calculus. Students will also learn those algorithms through the computer programming using VBA.
To understand various numerical calculation algorithms, to choose properly the method for solving each given problem, and to obtain numerical solutions by composing VBA codes.
1. To understand the fundamental numerical calculation algorithms, i.e. solving simultaneous equations, numerical integration and derivation, arithmetic of matrices, numerical solution of differential equations.
2. To realize codes that can solve respective problems using skills of computer programming by VBA.
3. To understand how numerical errors affect the calculation accuracy.
1. Introduction of the course, representation of numbers, numerical errors (1 week)
2. Methods for solving nonlinear equations (2 weeks)
3. Numerical solution of simultaneous linear equations (3 weeks)
4. Matrix eigenvalue problems (2 weeks)
5. Interpolations and approximations of functions (2 weeks)
6. Numerical integration methods (2 weeks)
7. Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations (2 weeks)
8. Comprehensive exercise (1 week)
9. Final examination (1 week)

★In the course, students will take lectures and do exercises alternately.
★Homeworks will be assigned upon each lecture.
Total score of assignments and the score of final examination are evaluated in equal proportion. Absence without notice more than 1/3 of the total lectures will not be subjected to qualification.

- Grading Scale: S: 90-100% ; A: 80-89 ; B: 70-79 ; C: 60-69 ; D: Below 60
Attendance to at least two-thirds of classes is required.
Assignments : 50%; Final Examination : 50%.
- Since the regular textbook is written in Japanese, printed lecture outline in English will be distributed as necessary.
- Fridays 17:00-18:00. In case the scheduled office hours are inconvenient for you, please make an appointment.
- Questions are also accepted by email. toshi@se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
- Regular attendance to the course is strongly recommended. Lectures and exercises are held alternately in every other week.
- Preparations and reviews are recommended every week.
- Calculus I, Linear algebras I, Computer literacy (1st semester of the first year)
- Calculus II, Linear algebras II, Differential equations and exercises, Exercises in computing (2nd semester of the first year)
- Exercise in computer programming (2nd semester of the second year)
- Introduction to computing machine (2nd semester of the third year)
